How to take/write notes on Blackview Android phone? [Doke OS 3.0]
Guide to use the notebook to take notes in Blackview smart phones.
Blackview initially introduced the Notebook in its self-developed Doke OS 3.0. The app is created to build a personal space for users to keep a record of their whimsical thoughts, creative ideas or their to-do lists.
It can serve as a private diary where users can write down a poem inspired by a movie or a sad story that just happened to themselves. It can also be a smart notebook that allows you to take notes in class, conferences fast and quick.
Whatever it is, the Notebook indeed can handle a lot of tasks. But there might be people who still have no idea of how to utilize the app. If so, then here is the guide. This article will demonstrate how to use the Notebook, how to take notes on an Android smartphone, and how to take advantage of the Notebook to the fullest.
Take Notes in Blackview Smart Phones
In this article, we will take Blackview BV8800 smartphone as an example.
First, open the Notebook in BV8800.

How to Create a Memo?
In the “Memo” section, there is a blue “+” button in the lower right-hand corner. Click it to create a Memo. Then you will see there is a bar at the bottom which collects all the insert functions together. From the left to the right, there are buttons for the insert of:
When you are done with your memo, click the “√” at the upper right-hand corner to save it.

How to Encrypt a Memo?
After clicking the “√”, you would see the “√” become three little dots. And if you want to encrypt your Memo, just click the three little dots, and then click “Privacy Setting” and you have just encrypted your Memo.

How to Set a Password?
But before you encrypt your Memo, make sure that you have finished password setting by clicking “Memo”, click the three little dots at the upper right-hand corner, and then click "Memo Password Setting" to set your password.

How to Move Memos into Different Folders?
When you have created so many Memos that you find it difficult to keep them organized, you may want Memo classification. To classify your Memos, first you need to click "Memo", click a Memo randomly and then hold for a second, select the Memos that you want to put together, click “Move to” at the lower left-hand corner, and choose a folder where you want to keep these selected Memos.

How to Create New Folders?
If you want to create a new folder, click “Memo”, click the three little lines at the upper left-hand corner, click “Folder Management” , click “+ New Folder”, type in the name of your new folder, and click “Confirm”, and now you have just created a new folder. Try to move your Memos into the new folder.

How to Check Memos inside of a Folder?
To check these Memos inside of a folder, click “Memo”, and then click the three little lines at the upper left-hand corner, and here you will see all the folders in “Memo Classification”. Just click the one you would like to browse.

How to Check All Memos, Encrypted Memos, and Recently Deleted Memos?
There are more to be discovered when you click the three little lines at the upper left-hand corner. Here you can check out all your Memos by clicking “All Memos”, “Memo Encrypted” or “Unclassified” Memos, and the Memos you have “Deleted Recently.

How to Create a New Agenda?
In the Agenda section, there is also a blue “+” button in the lower right-hand corner. Click it to create your Agenda, which is like a To-do list. Unlike Memo, here you can only insert texts, but you are allowed to set reminders for your Agenda to remind you of when to finish your tasks by clicking “Reminder Setting”, choose a date and click “CONFIRM”.

What Should You Do after Finishing a Task?
When you have finished your tasks, just click the square box so that it will disappear from your Agenda.

How to Check All the Tasks You Have Finished?
However, if you want to check the completed Agenda, just click “Agenda”, click the three little lines at the upper left-hand corner, and then click “Agenda Completed”.

Read also,
This is basically all you need to know about the Notebook. With Blackview Notebook, taking notes anywhere, writing down your feelings or keeping track of your daily tasks becomes so much easier and more convenient. Lose no time to follow aforementioned steps to have a try for yourself if you have a Blackview BV8800, Blackview BL8800 or Blackview BL8800 Pro since they are equipped with the latest DokeOS 3.0.